Monday, September 10, 2007


I had the chance to stop by some of the artists open studios this past weekend for Cambridgeport Artists Open Studios. CAOS is one of those events that makes me proud to live in Cambridge. Over fifty artists in Cambridgeport, some professional, some amateur, open their studios to showcase their work. Derrick Jackson’s work always makes me think it’s not fair that such a talented writer should also be a gifted photographer. Paul Gray’s self-described assemblages – visual improvisations using found materials – are inspired and frequently hilarious. I can only imagine how his eye works – he finds inspiration for an entire work from one cast-off item, from a hubcap to a vacuum cleaner.

As is the case every year, I wish I had more time to visit more studios. CAOS reminds us that Cambridge wouldn’t be Cambridge without our artists community, and we need to support the art and artists!