Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Less than 48 Hours until the polls open!
On a more positive note, I was pleased to receive the endorsements of the Cambridge Chronicle and the Alewife. I am grateful to the supporters who have listened to my frantic pleas for help and who have assisted me on the campaign.
This is an unusual election -- it's harder than usual to get people to pay attention to this election, and many voters are focused more on the challengers because of the open seats. I worry that an incumbent may be upset, and I don't want it to be me.
I'm trying to make sure I talk to as many voters as possible in these final hours before the polls open. Please call (617) 492-7426 if you have any questions or need more information -- I hope I can earn your #1 vote! I'm off to the farmers market in Harvard Square this morning -- maybe I'll see you there.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Neighborhood Update
Shady Hill Square -- Neighbors are very concerned that development may take place on the Shady Hill green. It’s a remarkable community – it’s one of the few intact examples of the Garden city movement, reflecting utopian ideals in architectural design and landscape architecture. I’m trying to get the Cambridge Historic Commission to re-instate the landmark designation process they started eight years ago, before I was on the city council. I’ve also been working with neighbors to help them understand and navigate the city bureaucracy as they try to stop building from taking place. So far, we’ve been successful as the Inspectional Services Department has issued a stop work order while they review the circumstances surrounding the issuance of a building permit. If you’re interested in some of the background and history of the site, check out the Historical Commission’s 2000 report – as usual, the Historic Commission has produced a terrific summary of a piece of Cambridge’s history.
Aging in Place – Brief discussion of the aging in place project that the Agassiz Neighborhood Council has been promoting. (Also a good story in Saturday’s Boston Globe ) Cambridge at Home is having a launch party Sunday 10/21 – their website is www.cambridgeathome.org. Aging in place is an issue Cambridge and all communities will struggle with more and more each year – how do we enable people to stay and grow older in their community? Associated questions, such as how to provide needed services efficiently and equitably, inevitably arise and will be part of the discussion.
Maud Morgan Visual Art Center/Agassiz Preschool
Interesting discussion, very much at the early stages, about a possible collaboration between the Agassiz Baldwin Community, Lesley University and the Agassiz Preschool. The idea is that the Agassiz Baldwin Community would trade the space they had been planning for the Maud Morgan to the Agassiz Preschool and Lesley would house the Maud Morgan Art Center in conjunction with the Art Institute of Boston. While there are many complicated issues that need to be addressed by each organization, it’s good to see people brainstorming and taking the risk to discuss such a collaboration.
Off to doorknock – more blogging later.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Green Meeting
I’ve been a leading advocate for green building in Cambridge -- in January I filed an order requesting that the city require large developments to be built green, to meet LEED building standards. The Planning Board raised a series of questions about the proposal, from whether the city had the legal authority to impose these requirements to how the requirements would be enforced. As chair of the Ordinance Committee, I thought it would more productive for us to have a joint meeting rather than simply reacting to the Planning Board’s brief report. My hope was that the city council could better understand the Planning Board’s concerns and determine how best to address them.
I thought the meeting was helpful and productive. (I’m often impressed by the thoughtfulness that so many Cambridge residents bring to their volunteer work on Cambridge boards and commissions.) The Planning Board seemed to welcome the opportunity to amplify their concerns. Having their input will be helpful to me as I guide the Ordinance Committee to our final green building policy. We want to make sure the policy is effective, and having more in-depth discussions with the policy implementers helps advance that goal.
In addition, we discussed additional ways to ensure our city’s zoning code lines up with our overall policy goals. For example, we want to encourage green roofs, but in many instances green roofs count against a project’s FAR (floor area ratio). In the year ahead, I will work with the Community Development Department and the Planning Board to make our zoning code more efficient and more green.
I thought the meeting was a successful experiment I’d be willing to do again.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Arts in the city
Arts Central, was held this weekend -- a great effort by the Central Square Business Association to promote arts, businesses and Central Square. (I missed the fashion show this year -- I was a model a few years ago but it's probably better for all involved if I don't quit the day job...)
I also had the chance to stop by Joan Brigham's garden for her Duchamp Readymade Installation and talk. The exhibit's great -- Joan's replicas and updates of Duchamp's Readymades are fabulous, and I want her to include it on a future Friends of the Cambridge Library Secret Gardens Tour. Her talk was enlightening, presenting a modern day twist on Duchamp's views on utility, art and context.
For me, the weekend was yet another reminder of the importance of our arts community in what makes Cambridge Cambridge.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Candidate; Verses Candidate
a public reading by the poet populist finalists on November 1st, from 6-8 pm, at the Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre, 400 Harvard Street in Harvard Square. This is a great chance to hear some of Cambridge's finest poets, and to become more informed as you cast your poet vote!
I inititiated the Cambridge Poet Populist program to heighten awareness and appreciation of poets and poetry in our community. After all, Cambridge represents the long and short of poetry, from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to e.e. cummings! More importantly, there are some wonderful poets writing and performing in our community, and we need to celebrate and spread their accomplishments.
Cambridge residents will be able to vote for our poet populist -- a poet of the people, for the people, selected by the people. Voting will take place in the first part of November, and we will announce our poet populist later that month. I'll post more details on the election as we get closer. Thanks for Nick Licata of the Seattle city council, who started the Seattle Poet Populist program and encouraged me to do the same for Cambridge.
See you on the poetry campaign trail!
Walking the (Public Safety) Walk
Walking through parts of the neighborhood with community members is a vital part of community policing. Thanks to Commissioner Haas and the many members of the Cambridge Police Department and Cambridge Housing Authority for taking the time to hear and respond to residents' concerns.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Opportunity or Cost
Friday, October 5, 2007
She Blinded Me With Science
I'm looking forward to trying some Yum-A-Moto Vanilla Twist ice cream at Toscanini's at 11 a.m. We'll see whether this ice cream "cannot or should not be repeated."
She Blinded Me With Science
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Holding the Line
This is a remarkable accomplishment, particularly given the extensive capital projects underway in Cambridge – the renovation of the main library, the new public safety facility,
the West Cambridge Youth and Community Center and the War Memorial facility, to name a few.
Two of my goals on the council have been to fight for sound fiscal policies and to make the budget process more open and transparent.
By controlling new spending, we have been able to minimize the impact of property taxes on Cambridge homeowners. The city has also been working out a long term approach for our budget. Long term planning, by projecting revenues, projects and operating expenses several years out, minimizes spikes in the budget. Reducing these spikes in the city’s annual budget makes it easier for families to manage their personal budgets.
It’s vitally important to make it easier for citizens to understand the city’s budget and tax policy. That’s why I have pushed for the city to send residents more information on the city’s budget – we provide more information than any other community in Massachusetts. I’m proud that thanks to my leadership on the Special Committee on Taxation, we now send out three newsletters annually: Understanding Your Taxes Newsletter, Property Tax Update Newsletter, and Property Tax Exemptions and Tax Deferral. These three newsletters are sent out around the time tax bills are sent out.
I urge people to pay particularly close attention to the exemptions and deferral newsletter. If you think your property is assessed too high, you can apply for an abatement. It is particularly important that you meet the deadline for filing an abatement AND that you pay the amount due on your property tax bill by that deadline. Under state law, if you have not paid the tax bill and filed for an abatement by the deadline, you are not eligible to receive an abatement.
I want each taxpayer to get every exemption he or she is entitled to receive. One of the most important exemptions is the residential exemption for owner-occupied residences. If you are an owner occupant, check your tax bill to make sure you are receiving the residential exemption. There is a list of all residential exemptions in the newsletter – please check the list and make sure you are receiving all eligible exemptions.
No one likes taxes, but I want to make sure our system of taxation in Cambridge is as fair and open as possible. I have significant concerns with the property tax – it’s regressive and hurts long-time residents who simply want to stay in their homes. Unfortunately, state law forbids Cambridge from using more equitable alternatives. By supporting the Municipal Partnership Act I am fighting to change that. However, that will be a long, tough battle against entrenched interests at the state level.
If you have questions on your taxes, you can call 617-349-4110 or e-mail assessors@cambridgema.gov. In addition, I am happy to meet with constituents who have questions about taxes (or any other issue with the city). I will gladly go with constituents when or if they meet with the city administration. In any case, you can reach me at 617-492-7426 or email brian@brianmurphy.org.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Kudos to Renata von Tscharner and the Charles River Conservancy and George Emlen and Revels
for the vision and dedication to make this magical evening.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Dinner Celebrating the Release of Ethiopian Prisoners of Conscience
prisoners of conscience and calling for the passage of HR 2003 to link aid to Ethiopia with human
I was inspired to hear the stories of these political leaders who were in prison for nearly two years and remained steadfast in their commitment to democracy and the rule of law. I can only imagine what it felt like to be thrown in prison for standing up for your values, to be charged with outrageous crimes, to be worried about the safety and well-being of your family and to have no idea when (or if) you would be released. It's a stark reminder that we in America have the luxury to take rights for granted that others must make extreme sacrifices to pursue.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Kickoffs -- campaign and football

Thursday night I officially kicked off my campaign on the roof deck at Daedalus. It was a gorgeous late summer evening and it was great to see old and new friends. Thanks to Jarrett Barrios for his kind introduction.
It's a little funny to be kicking off the campaign now since I've been running for several months, but it also seems like one must have an "official" beginning. In any case, please let me know if you can take me door knocking in your neighborhood, can host a coffee, can volunteer in the office, or would like a house sign. I need to make sure enough people know me and support me with their number one votes. The only way I'll be re-elected is if I get enough #1 votes -- please help!
I'm off to the second half of the CRLS football game!

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Zone Defense
The public discussion on the trash regulations was helpful in highlighting specific neighborhood issues regarding rodents and trash storage. We need to amend our municipal code as quickly as possible to increase potential fines and to allow the Inspectional Services Department to penalize violations. Being able to fine violators rather than have to go to court should make them change their behavior.
The Planning Board had some questions about implementing LEED standards to require large developments in the city to be green buildings. Although they suggested a task force, I kept the proposal in our committee to try to work through their concerns more quickly. I introduced the order requesting a green building requirement in January, and want to see us implement a green building requirement as soon as possible -- Boston is already ahead of us!
I also kept the Mid Cambridge downzoning proposal in committee, as we are waiting to hear back from the Planning Board regarding an intermediate downzoning. The neighbors are trying to find a zoning district that prevents them from feeling overwhelmed by infill building. It's a challenge many in the city are facing, and it's why I'm looking into expanding side lot setback requirements to give people a little more breathing room.
Zoning can be an esoteric topic, but it is a very important one for shaping our neighborhoods. Zoning regulations set forth guidelines for what can be built in a neighborhood -- it's sometimes very different than what already exists. We need to craft zoning regulations that work with people's reasonable expectations for the future shape of their neighborhoods that also allow a reasonable and appropriate amount of change and development.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Smart on Crime: the need to modernize and reform CORI
I spent the afternoon at the State House at a rally for CORI reform and then testified in support of legislation to reform CORI before the Judiciary Committee.
The Criminal Offender Record Information act was passed in 1972. In the thirty-five years since its origination, CORI has expanded dramatically beyond its original scope.
It is estimated that over two million individuals in
At the municipal level, I have been working to ensure that the city and its vendors use CORI appropriately. I have filed four orders in the past few years regarding CORI reform: one in September 2005, October 2005 and June 2007
As a municipality, we need to lead the way in ensuring that our use of CORI is appropriately tailored and does not inappropriately deny individuals access to employment.
Because CORI is so broadly available, many individuals are unfairly penalized in housing and employment. CORI records can be hard to read and understand, and sometimes contain errors. A former attorney testified that there were a few occasions that judges in criminal trials admittedly could not read the CORI. Too often, employers disqualify individuals for simply having a CORI record.
In addition, CORI records are often not predictive of future behavior. Suffolk County Sheriff Andrea Cabral discussed at length the likelihood of a former convict committing a crime after seven arrest-free years; it is yet the same as any other member of society - there was testimony about CORIs containing criminal records that were more than 50 years old!
Given that the vast majority of criminals return to the community after serving their time, we need to be realistic about what are appropriate uses of CORI, and what uses have spiraled out of control in the last thirty-five years. Reforming CORI is a case of being smart on crime, and focusing on results of our policies rather than spouting tough crime rhetoric that leads to counterproductive results.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Acting to preserve our community
At tonight’s council meeting, we appropriated community preservation funds raised by the city’s FY 2008 CPA surcharge as well as the FY 2007 state match.
We have to divide the money between affordable housing, open space and historic preservation, with at least 10 percent going to each. I have consistently supported spending the maximum 80 percent for affordable housing. While we spend additional money on all three of these areas, the need for affordable housing in our community is stunning in its scope. According to a recent survey of rental housing in the city showed no studio or one bedroom apartments were affordable to one person households earning below $29,540 (50% of area median income), and no two or three bedroom apartments were affordable to four person households earning below $42,050 (50% of area median income). If we’re serious as a community about our commitment to economic diversity, we need to step up to provide affordable housing options for some of these
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Back to School
I had the chance to attend the forum at CRLS on Closing the Achievement Gap.
Charlie Appelstein had a presentation on key principles and techniques for effective parenting. His presentation, while perhaps a bit cheesy at times, provided some useful information for parents (and teachers) on how to help our children succeed.
My one concern, which I raised at the forum, is how to balance the desire to give our children successes against the curse of low expectations, the concern that sometimes students, particularly students of color and/or lower income students, are treated as if they are not capable of excellence. Appelstein’s belief is that children will savor their initial successes and build upon them. Our challenge is to make sure that they do build upon those initial successes and achieve at the highest levels possible.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Friday Night Lights
The Police Department has agreed to have monthly neighborhood meetings, which should help ensure that the community has a chance for its concerns to be heard. I was also pleased to see Police Commissioner Haas at the meeting. I have been impressed by his openness and his visibility in the community. It also seems like he has a very good rapport with the officers.
I finished the evening at Russell Field to watch the second half of the high school football game. It was a perfect night for football under the lights – slight breeze, beautiful shirtsleeves night, and the Falcons beat
After the game, I hung out with the Police Commissioner and police officers –some of whom had been at the community meeting. As people were leaving, a number of the students and officers said hi to each other by name, and bantered back and forth. It’s encouraging to see such connections – those relationships are essential if community policing is going to work. Only if the police and community get a chance to know and trust each other can we expect to have a safe city.
Friday Night Lights
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Lost In the Supermarket
I’m truly excited about the prospect of a supermarket coming to
Kudos go to a number of people who worked diligently to secure a grocery store willing to come to Harvard Square, just a few of whom are Estella Johnson and her team at the Community Development Department, Mary Power at Harvard, and John DiGiovanni, Denise Jillson and the Harvard Square Business Association.
I’m looking forward to the ribbon cutting; in the meantime, here are some pictures of
Monday, September 10, 2007
I had the chance to stop by some of the artists open studios this past weekend for Cambridgeport Artists Open Studios. CAOS is one of those events that makes me proud to live in
As is the case every year, I wish I had more time to visit more studios. CAOS reminds us that