Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lost In the Supermarket

I’m truly excited about the prospect of a supermarket coming to Harvard Square. The former owner of Gourmet Heaven in New Haven will be opening Market in the Square in the old Sage’s location around the first of the year. Since the Sage’s closed, I have been advocating for the return of a full service supermarket to Harvard Square. It was frequently mentioned as a missing piece in improving Harvard Square during the Harvard Square Visioning Meetings I initiated in 2005 and 2006.

A grocery store in Harvard Square is a critical piece to allowing people in the neighborhood to do most of their daily activities on foot.

Kudos go to a number of people who worked diligently to secure a grocery store willing to come to Harvard Square, just a few of whom are Estella Johnson and her team at the Community Development Department, Mary Power at Harvard, and John DiGiovanni, Denise Jillson and the Harvard Square Business Association.

I’m looking forward to the ribbon cutting; in the meantime, here are some pictures of New Haven’s “Gourmet Heaven” to whet your appetite.

Lost in the Supermarket


am said...

I'm excited to see a grocery store open up here. Do you know if there are any lease restrictions to keep them from price gouging? I've read a lot of negative reviews of their New Haven market.