The Police Department has agreed to have monthly neighborhood meetings, which should help ensure that the community has a chance for its concerns to be heard. I was also pleased to see Police Commissioner Haas at the meeting. I have been impressed by his openness and his visibility in the community. It also seems like he has a very good rapport with the officers.
I finished the evening at Russell Field to watch the second half of the high school football game. It was a perfect night for football under the lights – slight breeze, beautiful shirtsleeves night, and the Falcons beat
After the game, I hung out with the Police Commissioner and police officers –some of whom had been at the community meeting. As people were leaving, a number of the students and officers said hi to each other by name, and bantered back and forth. It’s encouraging to see such connections – those relationships are essential if community policing is going to work. Only if the police and community get a chance to know and trust each other can we expect to have a safe city.
Friday Night Lights
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